Managerial Routines


The Role of the Students:


§         the students will come into the gym with kit on and sit in the middle of the gym

§         the students will sit quietly while teacher takes attendance and explains the day’s agenda and objectives

§         when the teacher says “GO” the students will begin the lesson as instructed

§         when the teacher says “AND STOP” the students will stop whatever they are doing and become attentive to then next set of instructions

§         the students will remain actively participating until the teacher changes the drill

§         the students who have excuses not to participate, and those students who have forgotten their strip will set up, take down, distribute and collect equipment


Information Provided by the Teacher:


§         the teachers will speak in clear, concise manner to inform the students of the tasks they will perform

§         the teachers will have all teaching cues listed so they can refer to them quickly

§         the teachers will provide information before each activity and then circulate throughout the activity to give feedback and make further modifications

§         if handouts are required they will be given at the end of class or at an appropriate time

§         the teachers will provide time for demonstrations, questions and practice for all the students

§         the teachers will call all students in as a group when wanting to show a new activity, demonstration or arrange a refinement

§         the teachers will make sure all students can see them while giving instruction

§         the teachers will keep the groups in a manner that they will not be distracted by other objects, people, etc

§         the teachers will use the students names whenever possible to include them in the lesson




§        the teacher will vary grouping techniques: allowing the students to pick partners, while other time arranging partners together

§        the teacher will make sure that groups remain on task by giving them refinements or feedback to help them


From our experience in the classroom setting, we found the most productive way to teach grade 9/10 girls is to call them in as a large group, have them sit down on one side of the badminton court, then give them instruction.  This way, the girls are not distracted by each other or the things around them.  It is then easier for the teacher to give the information needed.   We also found that by assigning roles to each student (i.e. to get racquets, set up net, etc.) they were more likely to stay on task and help get organizational things done.